Join The SERVE Team

God is reaching out to people every weekend and you are an important part in His plan! The SERVE Team gives you an opportunity to invest your time and talent in a variety of ways, for the sake of the one.

How To SERVE At Manna Church

Here at Manna, we want to make it as easy as possible for you to join the SERVE Team. Find the SERVE Team you would like to be a part of on the Small Group Finder and connect directly with a leader. If you’re unsure of where you would like to Serve, simply fill out the SERVE Team Interest form and a team member will assist you.

Serving Opportunities

There are many opportunities to serve at Manna Church, whether through our Outreach ministry, hospitality, or kids. 

Want Help Deciding Where To SERVE?

If you need help finding a place to serve or are interested in joining a team not listed, click below.

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